1inch Price Prediction (2025-2030): The DEX of the Future?

With DEXs growing in popularity, what does the future hold for one of the most popular assets other: 1inch? Mid-year of 2021 was when the prediction for 1inch price exploded to an all-time high of $7.87; which was when the crypto market realised that 1inch is something they should take seriously. As a DEX, the popularity of the token was because of not just its use-case but the market sentiment around it.

With 2021 being the year when the “metaverse” was all the craze, investors and crypto enthusiasts are now slowly moving towards more practical crypto investments. DEXs or decentralised exchanges prove useful in the cryptocurrency market since they are necessary for exchanging coins and tokens.

The interesting thing about the 1inch price today is that investors are still deciding whether or not it is a good investment at its current price. There is, however, a good reason why the current 1inch price is where it is as of the moment.

Let’s find out if the 1inch price prediction 2022 and beyond is really a worthwhile investment.

Check out all you need to know about the 1inch price prediction. Will 1inch go to the moon? Find out more about the 1inch token’s potential.

Factors that Affect 1inch Price

Remember when the price of Bitcoin fell in December of 2021? And the whole crypto market somehow fell in price as well? A good reason for the current price being low is because 1inch is an Ethereum native token; meaning, it is built on the ETH blockchain.

When comparing charts on CoinMarketCap, the graph for the Ethereum price and 1inch price are extremely identical. As a token built on Ethereum, the price of ETH impacts the price of 1inch as well. This is a double-edged sword since when ETH goes on a bullish trend, the 1inch price follows. If the opposite happens, the price of 1inch will follow as well.

1inch Price

1 inch network usd chart

Ethereum Price

ethereum to usd price

Technical Analysis Surrounding the 1inch Price

When looking at the market from a more technical point of view, 1inch is getting closer to its all-time low; this happened after dropping below its initial ICO price (initial coin offering price). There is, however, solace found in general market cycles.

As the cycles usually go, accumulation usually happens after extreme fear when the market is “dirt cheap” and investors buy in and position themselves before a price increase happens. The last spike for the 1inch price happened on October 27, 2021; this was when the token price hit a high of $5.76.

After whales cashed out, however, the price then dropped; first consolidating at the $2.40-$2.70 price range before a “bullish run” happened; and the price started consolidating again at $1.60-$1.90 and building new resistance levels. To give more context, a bullish run is when a fake bullish spike in price happens and the general market thinks the price will start to go up again. This is commonly being used for whales to exit their holdings.

Once the 1inch price hit a high of $1.93, however, it started dropping yet again until reaching its current price of $1.21.

The Current Price of 1inch

As of today (February 24), the price of 1inch is $1.21, which is down from its 24h price of $1.45. Quite interestingly, however, the 1inch trading volume still saw a massive 68.36% increase in trading volume over the last 24h with its current volume at $101,235,239.81.

1inch is ranked #103 on CoinMarketCap with a market capitalization value of $501,935,805.78.

1inch Price Prediction 2022

The big question for investors alike is what the 1inch price forecast is and whether it is a good token to invest in. Like with most investments, there are two different factions when it comes to belief in 1inch: the bullish and the bearish. Let’s take a look at both sides.

Bullish 1inch Price Prediction (2025-2030)

One of the most bullish predictions when it comes to the price prediction of 1inch is that of DigitalCoinPrice, which suggests that the future price of 1inch could hit $2.28 at the end of the year, $3.76 by 2025, and $8.58 by 2030.

Despite the bullish sentiments with a number of investors saying it is a good investment, it is always important to DYOR or “do your own research” before investing. Another rule of thumb when it comes to investing is to only invest what you can afford to lose.

Bearish 1inch Price Prediction (2025-2030)

Not every investor, of course, believes in one of decentralised finance’s leading dexes. An example of this is WalletInvestor, which gives a bearish forecast giving a 1inch price prediction of $0.67 in a “year’s time,” along with a caution that the cryptocurrency will unlikely recover in the future.

Needless to say, the future value of 1inch is still subject to change as blockchain technology and crypto markets remain extremely volatile and sometimes unpredictable. 1inch and other cryptocurrencies are still subject to unforeseeable events that could impact prices.

It is important to take the predictions with a grain of salt since there are several variables that can affect the price. Make sure to understand the risks involved before investing in any form of asset or other similar coins. You risk losing your entire capital.

Understanding 1inch and Its Use Case in Decentralised Finance

1inch decentralized finance

Since 1inch is actually a utility token to the 1inch DEX, its value, although related to the DEX, does not technically reflect the DEXs performance 100%. Let’s go further to understand what 1inch is, what it does, and how it functions.

What Is 1inch?

To be more precise, 1inch is the token behind the DEX 1inch Network. In the blockchain world, just like buying stock in a company, investors can buy tokens or coins for DAOs or Decentralised Autonomous Organisation.

Just like with corporations, the more stock an investor has, the more say they have when it comes to the businesses’ operations. The same happens in cryptocurrency, where in order to have a larger say, you’ll have to own a larger share of the cryptocurrency.

What Does 1inch Do?

1inch is the token for the 1inch Network, a DEX aggregator that looks for the best deals spreading from multiple exchanges. Let’s say you’re looking to buy a car, 1inch basically works as Google looking for the best deals for the model you want.

1inch searches the DeFi space to look for prices closest to the original asking price, allowing users to get better deals when swapping.

How is 1inch Safe?

1inch spreads its liquidity through 180 sources integrated into the 1inch Network, making it safer for transactions and investors. The protocol even integrates security checks per transaction to protect them.


Before putting your money into anything and becoming a short-term or long-term investor, it is important to understand the technical analysis, historical data, and true value before making an investment. Here are a few answered questions that might help you.

What Is 1inch Used For?

1inch is the token behind the 1inch network. It works as an aggregator to look for the best exchanges to find the lowest pairing price.

When Was 1inch Created?

1inch was initially created in 2019 by Anton Bukov and Surjey Kunz during an ETHGlobal hackathon.

Which Is Better: Uniswap or 1inch?

The design of 1inch is to look for the best pairing while its aggregator saves gas fees that could amount to making it 10% cheaper than Uniswap.

How Can I Buy 1inch?

There are different ways to buy and sell 1inch, with eToro being one of the best places, especially for beginners. However, if you are a complete newbie, always consult a licensed professional.


This 1inch price prediction (2025-2030) is for information purposes only. Before putting your money in any cryptocurrency or investment, it is important to note that despite claims of huge potential, the money being invested is your money and therefore you should take necessary precautions before investing. The crypto market is extremely volatile. That’s why it should be treated with careful research and consultation with a licensed professional.